Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Wife Syndrome

I know that this is probably something that every woman has felt in her life early in her marriage. I feel like I don't have much control over my life and the decisions I make anymore. I almost feel like I'm a robot programmed to do and say anything on command. In no way am I suggesting that my husband controls me, but I feel like I don't have an opinion or can have an opposing opinion, so I end up just agreeing. The thin veneer that is left of a confident, independent woman wants to stands on firm ground and voices my argument but on another end, I just don't want to get into it. I had a fight with him about my working on Saturdays, he said that it takes away from "family time". To be honest, I would almost take that into consideration, if we did anything on Saturdays...all we do is sit around the house, then he decides to leave and do something when he feels like it. If I want to go somewhere or do anything, he is either coming with me, or I get grilled on where I am going. I do so much around the house without even a thank you or a finger to help. I hope this is not a taste of a few years down the road with an extra helping of grief. I have asked him to help around the house but I think he is one of those wonderful breeds of men who conveniently forget until all the work is done.
I have started a new diet, since I need to drop a few pounds, it is more of a control thing for me then anything since I have it nowhere else in my life.

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